Release Date:- 11 November 2011
Directed By:- Tarsem Singh
Category / Genres:- Action, Drama, Fantasy
IMDB Rating:- N/R
Run Time:- 110 Minutes
Star Cast:- Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, Stephen Dorff, Freida Pinto, Luke Evans, John Hurt, Joseph Morgan, Anne Day-Jones, Greg Bryk, Alan Van Sprang, Peter Stebbings, Daniel Sharman, Isabel Lucas, Kellan Lutz, Steve Byers,
Immortals Movie Story Line:-Immortals is the story of a boy named Theseus, who aims to become the saviour of mankind at the time when a Greek ruler, King Hyperion, goes insane, killing people in large numbers. The ruler aspires to take over the world by acquiring a weapon named Bow of Epirus, which, according to the story, would empower him to bring down the Gods of Olympus and emerge as the ruler of the world. Theseus is an ordinary guy who has no intentions to fight the king and his devastating army until the army becomes the cause of his mother’s demise. The king’s army, during one of its missions, kills all the people of Theseus’ village, including Theseus’ mother. The guy burns in the fire of fury in order to seek revenge for the death of his mother. On his mission to destroy the king and his army, he is joined by Phaedra, who is completely confident of Theseus’ victory over the king. Since the king’s intentions are not in the welfare of mankind, the world at large now relies on Theseus to decide its fate. Immortals is a hard-core action movie, which follows an extremely interesting storyline and is packed with mesmerizing elements of drama. The movie also shows Theseus being backed by the Gods, a fact which makes that otherwise normal villager exceptionally powerful.
Immortals Movie Review:-This film is real masterpiece of neorealism. The most exciting film I've ever seen. Minutious in every detail. Shows how tense and frustrating is the life of common man. How actually common people aren't but a livestock of the rich.
The metaphor with Immortality is it hits the point. I will always remember picture of child walking barefoot on muddy road. Some are born with power to castigate. Some are born without chance to change anything.
This two hour movie about the lives of a ragtag group of demigods in Northern Italy in the late 1th Century is probably a masterpiece, but is also one of the most conservative movies I have ever seen. Made with a cast of amateur actors, it's a brilliant movie alright, but Singh's social conservatism is very hard to swallow. In a way, his position seems even more backward than the Catholic Church: while today's Church gives at least some lip service to the idea of redistribution of wealth, Singh's ideology might be best described as favoring the medieval concept of social immobility: peasants will always be peasants, the Church will look after them as long as they remain faithful to it, but they should never rise against their masters. The landlord is a horrible person (expelling a peasant from his property for felling a tree in order to make the Epirus Bow, a weapon of unimaginable power forged in the heavens by Ares.) but amazingly this never seems to cross the mind of the peasants, who accept their destiny stoically. Another thing I didn't like: the movie features two scenes where animals are slaughtered (apparently for real, and graphically). Without being an extreme supporter of animal rights, I don't think this was necessary. I believe that no piece of art is worth killing an animal.
Yeah, if it did not contain real killing of animals it would be my greatest film of all the times. Thus I give just two points to it. I'd rather give it ten points but I simply cannot.
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